Digestion, Edra

  • espace

Digestion, Edra


At the 2000 Milan Furniture Fair, edra proposes a manifesto collection to be regarded as an anticonsumerist reflection by the french designer matali crasset, an exponent of a strong sociologically-oriented tendency that can be defined as “creative DIY”.

“Digestions”, matali crasset’s collection consisting of humble everyday items such as the brooms of Parisian street-weepers, the large squared plastic bags used by Arab immigrants, the round plastic shower brushes, represents a colourful, carefree, sensible and functional response to the traditional system of interior design, a  response aimed at depicting trivial objects as capable of living a new life. Her message is of a political and ecological nature : a change is now possible through a “homeopathic“ project than intervenes in everyday life with slight, gradual changes originating from a conscious outlook on the cosmopolitan world of merchandise.



  • Edra