Le pavillon des radiophoniques, Compagnie Maâloum

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Le pavillon des radiophoniques, Compagnie Maâloum


Since 2017,  Compagnie Maâloum, based in Vaucluse, has been led by a collective of five united and ambitious artists: Jérémy Cardaccia, musician, and four actors: Maxime Le Gall, Julie Minck, Aude Marchand and Rémi Pradier. 

They have a clear artistic vision: to share literature and music with the public by going out to meet them in different places: libraries, theatres, unequipped rooms or heritage sites - outdoors or in schools. Together, they select novels or short stories to create read-alouds accompanied by original musical creations, and extend their artistic commitment by opening up transmission spaces.

In 2020, France went into lockdown and the Maâloum company maintained its links with audiences by adapting its activities. It records its musical readings in the studio in the form of podcasts: these are the radiophoniques. 

The members of the collective note that digital culture accessible to all with a few clicks is relative: the cultural digital divide exists. Only the initiated have access to content. This led to the idea of creating a collective listening space: a mobile broadcasting and meeting place, a unique, fun and aesthetically pleasing place that invites new digital cultural practices: the idea of the Pavillon des radiophoniques was born. A listening room, literary and mobile, coming to meet the territories.

The radio programmes to be heard in the Pavillon are extracts from novels, short stories and poetry. Literary favourites that have made an impression on the members of the collective and that they want to share. 

Recording in a studio is a specific and different process from creating a work for public performance. It opens up new possibilities for making a text heard. 

Playing to a microphone gives actors a great deal of freedom in their interpretation, allowing them to play with elocution, voice placement, physical distance and movement around the microphone. 

Together with the sound engineer, the musician can construct real soundscapes by superimposing several musical phrases, textures and sound effects. 

The sound work, mixing and spatialization allow the listener to enter a sound bubble and to be projected into a real radio imagination. 

The use of headphones optimises listening conditions by isolating users from the outside world, allowing them to enjoy the musical readings in the greatest comfort. 

To achieve this, the Maâloum company has enlisted the help of talented guest artists, actors and musicians from the region to produce its radio programmes.

Grab your headphones, select a radio station, sit back and listen... 



  • Anthony Lanneretonne