Monoplan for PlayWithDesign ≠3

  • objets
  • transmettre

Monoplan for PlayWithDesign ≠3


For the Playtime international Trade Show, matali crasset has created an airplane which flies using pure dream energy specifically for the event PlayWithDesign ≠3.

“Children have this imaginative quality that adults have often lost. Monoplan invites them to fly and penetrate across the sky in the first rattan-made airplane.
This Monoplan can carry two or even three passengers and accepts pets of all sizes in its cockpit as well as cuddly toys and all sorts of zoo animals.

It’s the first motor-free airplane, 100% ecological, which works thanks to the power of game-playing and dream energy. Inside you can snack, sleep, play... everything’s allowed. It’s indestructible, it’s intergalactical...”

matali crasset 

Regarding this special relationship to having fun, the ethnologist Emmanuelle Lallement wrote the following:
“It’s often said that her objects are fun. Is it because they are always made using bright colours (and not using black like so many “design” objects) [...]
There’s usually just a “thing” in the objects that children often get before everyone else. Not because these objects were made for children but it so happens that the latter, unlike some adults, immediately accept to “play along”, and to really discover the object. Children instantly sense the scenario created by an object without them being necessarily attached to some sort of social ritual (for them, the sofa isn’t a place for codified sociability, it’s more a world of endless possibilities). The objects presented by matali are exactly this type of “throwback to childhood”. A childhood not bound to age but more to a brief aside of experiences which become possible again. A kind of “adult childhood.”

This project is an initiative of the Playtime Trade Show with the the backing of the agricultural cooperative La Vannerie de Villaine (largest group of basket-makers in France).





