composit, Dunlopillo

composit, Dunlopillo


Compo'sit for Dunlopillo, is, first and foremost, a sofa offering two sorts of comfort:

- an active comfort, sitting contentedly, a secure, but rapidly adaptable, backrest,

- a passive comfort with the cushion seat becoming a footrest in a quick and easy gesture, allowing a person to lazily recline...  

This sofa also creates a living area where not only the seating positioning is chosen but also the ability to adjust the whole by moving the various cushions, armrests …. Create a separated space to place a tray, arrange both armrests to make a raised seat for children … Its modularity expression is made possible by a central groove where the various pieces are fitted. It may also serve as a holder for a remote control, TV magazine or everyday newspaper.

Comfort is an essential aspect for Dunlopillo, and is projected on us as we become a player within this modern comfort, allowing an invention of various shapes and designs on a daily basis. A sofa proposing a genuine adequation, a sofa compatible with your own individual lifestyle...

matali crasset



  • Dunlopillo